Thursday, February 10, 2011

987. "What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?"

"What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?" Robert Schuller

Two of the things that people fear the most in this world are death and failure. Both of these often keep a strangle hold on people from actually living. To many, safety is comfort. However, if you stay safe your whole life, how much do you actually experience? The fear of failure comes in many forms; fear of your business failing, fear of not living up to your parents expectations, fear of getting rejected, etc. I believe this is a question that you should ask yourself everyday. 

Failures are no doubt going to happen to everyone. Once you accept the change of failure, there is no reason to fear it. Failure is part of life, so why be caught in its web of fear? If theres something you have been dying to do, something you're passionate about, why not go for it? Take the risk. My brother when he graduated college had a job offer (at the peak of the recession). Instead of taking it, he headed out to Hollywood to try and make it in an excessively competitive industry. As you can imagine, my dad was not happy. And most certainly my brother had a fear of failure and definitely a fear of letting down his father. However, it was something he was passionate about, and he knew to ever do what he loves he had to be in Hollywood. He's currently making positive steps in the direction he wants. He hasn't reached his dream, but hes living his life and my dad couldn't be any prouder.

You only live this life once. So you should never let fair of failure hold you back. Ask yourself "What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?", and if it's something you really want to do, go for it. If you fail, pick yourself back up and learn from it. If you succeed, you'll be the happiest person on the planet at that moment.

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